Thursday, May 5, 2011

the public

June 15, 2009 In the Mountain Resort , who has the deer namely real mountain Zhuang Yijing to stir up trouble. for there is not normal enemies,shanghai massage, the Villa is a little bit in their invasion of the Villa of the vegetation , and promenade out of Villa 's deer , then grazed the regional Farmers , including fruit trees and harvests , and even lead to a lawsuit .
deer are so pretty,accidental end of the fable, docile, cute animals, it does not just eat beef , do not attack humans,toronto escorts, should not Cute animals will obtain into trouble , but immediately it has become a scourge. apparent ecology has given each of the averaging of life will not change with the human , not to referee the human nice and wrong taste . As human creatures do , is given to nature maintenance significance of every life , retaining ecological poise , otherwise you will be penalized by nature .
human society , also, should follow the laws of social development , given the right of every industry should have And duties. society is composed along the employer ,beijing escort, and only every individual in their own industry to comply with their rights and obligations in order to aggrandize the upkeep of social equilibrium , and can better protect our own rights are not violated , Otherwise, the event ambition cause the same deer scourge .
righteousness is chapter of the superstructure of a nation , the public , prosecutors ,shanghai escort, law is an essential judicial body charged with safeguarding their national rights, and self-respect of the important mission ; merely for a judicial statute Part ought too be very important, they ought melodrama an important role of supervision and restriction . from the circumstance, the attorneys and the public prosecution authorities are diametrically opposed to the opposing relationship , merely either are great for righteousness in mandate to fulfill The intention of the relationship among them is unity .
lawyer should play an important oversight role, the administration of justice by the case justice is equitable to achieve. only given the right to barricade advice due to the most in the case The likelihood of miscarriage relief to safeguard judicial justice, to create the real in the ideas of the Bu Zhiyu valid administration to convert the deer incident .

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