Thursday, May 5, 2011

suddenly changed position

Martial arts: that you, you are in distress the sea ~ ~ ~ (head)
Chen Xiang :...< br> 【One day, I go to martial masterpieces and Jun candidates, extra than a tiny hard of listening because of Chun, martial arts so I told him the question after the interview .】
examiner: Which is your preference Journey to the West in a role?
martial arts: Monkey
interviewer: Do you believe there are aliens in the earth do?
martial arts: Although scientists have not identified But I believe it is some.
【examiner is satisfied, call waiting appearance the martial arts, martial arts Chun Yu told the answers. So, Chun I entered.】
examiner: What's your name?
Jun Yu: Monkey
examiner: (saw up and down) do you have neuropathy?
Jun Yu: Although scientists have not identified, but I believe it is some.
halo ~ ~】 【people
Li Wei: After jumping bean that will become everything,?
Jiexi: do not know ..
Li Wei: will turn red beans ..
Jiexi: Why? < br> Li Wei: bleeding ..
Jiexi :...< br> Jun Yu: Wushu sibling .. I am not a stupid child acridine,?
martial arts: Silly boy, how would you what a stupid child,
Chun Yu :...< br> Li Wei bus hh
pregnant: you tin not see What I am productive,? (pregnant women like Li Wei seat ..)
Lee Wei: (nervous) .. I see .. and the kid of pregnant women is not my ..
:...< br> Chen Xiang: Small art, you go to borrow a pair of scissors a small bar Wei,! < br> martial arts: Mmm, await a minute ..
Li Wei room hh
martial arts: a small little Xiang Wei .. let me lend a pair of scissors ..
Li Wei: scissors, scissors my bad .. out .. (really do not want to take ..)
Martial Arts: Oh ..
back to where hh
Chen Xiang Wushu: .. Small Xiang Wei said his small scissors is not broken .. at ..
Xiang Chen: What? lent ..?.. Wei is really miserly small .. (crazy in ..)
Xiang Chen: Oh .. no way .. we had to use their own the ..
martial arts :...< br> Wang Ye and Zhao-fan in the Internet hh
suddenly float out of an online newspaper ..
Zhao Fan: What Online Dating acridine acridine .. l .. I am after 80 long .. 175 .. quite fine .. height Virgin ... r
Wang Ye: it namely true there are a maiden .. 80 ..
acridine Zhao Fan: what you see acridine .. she said is the constellation Virgo friends ..
Wang Ye :...< br> Chen Xiang: Jiexi .. to say the historical fable to me always right acridine,?
Jiexi: One day a frog .. ..
Xiang Chen: folk absence to listen to historical stories of friends ..
Jiexi: Song .. a frog ..
Chen Xiang :...< br> Line light hh line to a cerebral hospital to see patients with light: what are you going to do after discharge,?
patients: .. I want to get a slingshot to devastate all the skylights here ..
line light: It seems that the patient not agreeable 吖 ..
month afterward, the line of light to proceed to visit the patient hh
line on: What are you going to do after expel,?
patients: I am looking for a job afresh .. Rent an apartment ..
line on: wow .. then what,?
patients: a friend and then I would also favor to send a guest to my suite ..
line on: entirely normal 吖 .. And then,?
patients: and then I want to take a friend who was not looking, steal his belt ..
line on: What do you pilfering belts,?
Patient: I want to do the belt .. as a slingshot to destroy all the windows here ..
line light :...< br> Jie Xi: .. before .. there are two snowman a snowman that l I'm so cold r.. and then distinct a snowman that I cold l r.. and then there is a snowman said the two of us holds a piece of it l .. r and then to hold together the two snowman .. how do you think was like,?
martial arts: No know .. Seven weeks is not called acridine ..
Jun Yu: Small Art know ..
Jianbo: Small Art .. Why not call on Sunday seven weeks 吖 ..
martial arts: Wang Ye know ..
Jianbo: Wang Ye .. Why not call on Sunday seven weeks 吖 ..
Wang Ye: Jiexi understand ..
Jianbo: Jiexi .. Why not call on Sunday seven weeks 吖 .. < br> Jiexi: Jianbo Li Wei know ..
: Small Wei .. Why not call on Sunday seven weeks 吖 ..
Li Wei: Heart know ..
Jianbo Liu: Liu heart. . Why not call on Sunday seven weeks 吖 ..
Liu heart: Xiang Chen Jianbo know ..
: Small Xiang .. Why not cry aboard Sunday 7 weeks 吖 ..
Xiang Chen: I do not .. you know it ..
Jianbo look up online to use the Google quest, ..
Jun Yu: chubby Jianbo Taobao .. know the best diet drugs tablets become the shark to eat anything green beans,?
Jianbo: What will become of more than acridine ..
Jun : into a green bean ..
Jianbo :...< br> Chen Xiang: Small Art .. .. man you see in the feed to the hens to dine the tea yeah ~ ~
martial arts: that human is really stupid ..
Xiang Chen: Why do you say that he 吖 ..
martial arts: Even fierce tea .. the fowl to feed the hens can not give birth to a boiled egg to the ..
Xiang Chen: ...
Wang Ye: tell you a story line of light .. .. .. once there was a male deer, which they walked, then getting faster and faster .. you think it will become what?
line on: double s weight-loss drugs do not know ..
Wang Ye: it will become a expressway ..
line light :...< br> Liu Heart: .. Chun Yu Jianbo. . Do you know why the plane flew so high it will not hit the stars,?
Jun Yu: Because the stars do not seem ..
Liu heart: not ..
Jianbo: That must have enough aeroplane also Liu vain the stars ..
heart: not ..
Jun, wave: That is why,?
Liu heart: it is for the stars will flash ..
Jun, wave: .. .
Jun Yu: Small Art .. I acquaint you a story .. once there was a pearly and a dark feline, pearly cat dark cat fell into the water .. .. it save you up suspect the pearly on black cat said something,?
martial arts: Chun I mention thank you ..
: not ..
double s weight-loss drug wisdom
martial arts: it said something acridine, ?
Jun Yu: meow ..
martial :...< br> Jianbo: Small Xiang .. Why geese fly south for the fall to acridine ..
Xiang Chen: to walk on because of too slow ..
Jianbo :...< br> Chen Xiang: .. why do you physicians and some nurses must dress a disguise it ..
doctors: Avoid the diseases and conditions ..
Xiang Chen: I do not believe ..
Doctor: Tell me ..
Xiang Chen: I meditation you're afraid of creature acknowledged out of the thing out of it ..
doctor: ...
instance, with our household like paperbacks, few, I take a dime a day, but I take each day, just take does not exist, is not one day sooner or later the money will take over ah? This medicine is the concept you do not. You eat a little every day, every day is not necessarily a response, but a long time, it will finally have to destroy the liver. After liver harm is reflected in the facial functions where? the eyes right? diabetes there are several eye is good. Chinese medicine and Western medicine agree that the liver and spleen is a metabolic organ, pipe metabolism. But Western medicine that the liver is the liver, the spleen is the spleen, the 2 does not material. From the Chinese point of view, liver and spleen interlocked, you always take medicine,toronto escorts, and slowly destroy the liver. liver spleen perish destroyed. you joined to the liver and spleen. splenic bad reaction in which part of the body trunk ah? flesh, right? diabetic wounds do not stamp the final meat wrong ah. or else the feet black, poor blood circulation, saw this today, and tomorrow, put the saw. I train in the lesson of twenty annuals to treat 2 such patients. this kind of patient less, I have come cross two thighs to be tear, and I saw that you do not shake first, you give me a few months, I'll give you accommodate that, if I were you cure, you saw nobody but multi-point . A few months later, he gave a good tune, and do not hack legs. Why, I stressed that the spleen. spleen flesh Yeah, recently took third, also saw the legs, I did not let saws, gave the tune coming. these three cases, all black legs, and I pulled more than a month, less than two months, with the normal color of the same, keep head under the same. Also regained. ah, gangrene, see of the bar. take a look, homologous to Chinese medicine liver and kidney, the liver is not good, the bad kidney. Western do not think so, doctors believe that the liver is the liver, kidney, the kidney, the old medication is not to destroy the liver, kidneys not also cause a problem? renal defects in a reaction where ah? bones, diabetes is not afraid of the ultimate stumble, ah, where wrestling, where the fracture, a broken bed can not push on, a fret, a lit , other diseases are also out, died.
say that three additional diseases: myocardial infarction, thinking infarction, renal failure. how is this going ah, this 1 myocardial infarction,beijing massage, mental infarction, lying on the bed, done, and fast came to activity 120.120, a look at this man's face, no particular change in color of the customary, which is called the head stem. If people hold in the special violet, bulging, accompanied by sweating, which is MI . a look by this face, to know where the sick. and then outlook the records, ah, in the quondam have diabetes, to jot, diabetes complications, cerebral infarction, or myocardial infarction, decease notification came out. But why did he myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction ah? regular walking in the street, there down to it? unless it is merged with fallen, right? alternatively, at that sitting together, did not stand well back, right? This is natural subjects, who hiked in the street would suddenly go down, alternatively sit down then stand up suddenly, what people have such a position? is a person of cheap blood sugar. I was walking, low blood sugar, brain no oxygen, the moment a empty, a blank idea, people do not fall down? a fall, suddenly changed rank, blood pressure is not additional ah? approximately increased blood oppression, blood vessels do not breakdown the right, the brain stem, myocardial infarction and be elated. low blood sugar of people walked before they fall, then why did he hypoglycemia diabetes it? is the drug played a role, and the hard drugs. is not a lot of people have diabetes, so I walked fell suddenly to halo ah, is not this a typical low blood sugar was up. suddenly fell, and quickly eat the sugarplum to ease the over? show? not to low blood sugar was up. you would have high blood sugar, low blood sugar and why, ah, ah just take medication have this achieve, is not it? renal failure, not to mention the typical medication to eat it,beijing massage! see these complications but? how to come by, eat medicine The. do not take medicine is not as, do not take medicine lofty blood sugar thing. how to do? the blood sugar does not convey over you do not absence to take medicine, you have to tune ah. This is like with blood oppression, antihypertensive drugs are not as you do not eat ah , pate high blood pressure, but also break up, the blood pressure, intonation it down, you do not you do not need to take medicine. Doctors believe diabetes is a ailment where ah? ailment on the pancreas, is excreted by the pancreas problems, endocrine problems. medicine that the management of diabetes is the liver, spleen, kidney, the 3 apparatuses of the disease, the vast majority of diabetes are the three organs of the disease. What are the symptoms ah: a little more than three. more than three: the first is to nectar multi-ah, ah why people drink more, is not old thirsty before drinking the more, ah, Chinese medicine is called inflame big, that he did drink more magnificent rage, the old dry mouth, ah, of special note, the first night, 1 points to 3 points, always thirsty, too old to drink ah, thirst, ah, get angry, and fluent lust; the second is to eat more. diabetes have a characteristic stool frequency, normal diet ought be 6 to 8 hours to digestion finished, began to go out, but the stool of people with diabetes is not the circumstance. What kind ah? repast will not have a lavatory, you have to discharge to, it seems to eat a lot of , no absorption, to discharge to,shenzhen escort, and equal to the free ride. He is not hungry and must, ah, they have to eat. eat more, drag more ah. hey, eat more, drink a lot, it can be less up urinary , urine must afterward,apt stand and be williapt to be eaten at tigers, the third is more urine. a small weight loss is. Why weight loss ah? as Zhichang Zi, this eating, there took equal to free ride, and then one play may go on to svelte. medicine regardless of This disease is called diabetes, is called the triple burner poor, stopped. triple burner is the Chinese concept of characteristic apparatuses. the focus is the heart and lung, liver and spleen in the coke is, the afterward focus is the kidney. spleen kidney, upper and lower barrier, called the triple burner penniless, then Specifically, traditional Chinese medicine beneath the name of diabetes is poor blood prevalence on the heat. What does the phenomenon, above all fire, disease, lit. Laniao under the shit, drag more people grab chilly Well, it is called the heat under the poor blood prevalence. This disease is laborious to drug treatment, and why? diarrhea medicine is not completed, you say this disease is the complement, or the stream? supplement, not supplement, diarrhea, diarrhea can not. make you top of the fire bigger. diarrhea, you drag the base more. no remedy. So what do? merely diet can cure. but immediately it does not do, are in medicine.
of; 4 striker - who knows what the signal to be bombarded; 5 Pisces - inexplicably petulant; 6 Capricorn - a good turn before the worker posterior; 7 Lions - Why did you not listen to the bid; 8 scales - Road see injustice will turn; 9 virgin - tolerate you as a long time ; 10 bottles - but points he did not concern; 11 Scorpio - Hide experts; 12 Taurus - connate nice guy.
【】 twelve constellations of Aries healing sanctuary (bureau), Taurus (KTV), Gemini (the bar ), Cancer (home), Leo (countryside), Virgo (the field), Libra (health union), Scorpio (the church), Sagittarius (mahjong), Capricorn (amusement park), Aquarius (film), Pisces (the waterfront).
definitely have something to say that the 1st constellation of female】 (Aries), second (Scorpio), third (Pisces). 【have a constellation of men girlfriends first female】 (Pisces ), second (Cancer), third (Scorpio). 【constellation of female】 boyfriend the 1st critical (Libra), second (Virgo), third (Capricorn).
Zodiac Top】 Gemini IQ IQ index: 130. Sagittarius IQ index: 125. Scorpio IQ index: 120. Taurus IQ index: 110. Virgo IQ index: 105. Capricorn IQ index: 102. Aquarius IQ index: 102. Lion IQ index: 100. Libra IQ index: 95. Cancer IQ index: 90. Aries IQ index: 80. Pisces IQ index: 75. (for reference only, do not hit me)
[native] Recommendation: Zodiac Women The fast heaviness detriment @ - @

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