Wednesday, April 27, 2011

27 January as International Leprosy Day on the peaceable liberation of Peking

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Big Mountain 1st International Fool
4 月 1 Day China Man Festival (2008)
4 月 2 Day International Children's Book Day (International Children's Book Day)
4 月 2 on World Autism Day (United Nations General Assembly December 2007 adopted a resolution)
4 月 4 日 Cold Food Festival (the day before the Ching Ming Festival)
4 月 5 日 Qingming (11:12 cross section)
4 月 5 日
Ching Ming Festival monument mother - a good mom wants to talk of the 3
parents met in early 1947 or earlier (now can not be verified), there are pictures of this father gave the mother nation for the
Entrepreneur Day (4 21)
memory of his mother
Note: This is written in memory of Lin Xiong treatise last night, is also accompanied by his mother after the original singers in the txt, fourteenth birthday. I am a martyrdom to purchase, while to buy his mother a current favorite side trays - spinach. night, I lit candles, sway Sansheng, the parents are invited, we had a birthday to accompany the elderly. late at night , a cloud of thoughts, the night is not Mo, turn obtain behind up repeatedly to write this article.
Last year, today, the mother was still living, we have birthday with my mother. location in the surprisingly good climate, floating patches of blue sky and white smokes, he could feel the breeze. toward noon, I helped my mother-Shan sibling boarded the lift roof. newly renovated altitude floor, the chief plain of ancient incense Kiosk is onward the semi- wall height of a male to help them the rain lilac yellow ruddy and blue flowers. Hefa roots of the mother's pointing excitedly introduced the byname category, the mother has been asked to so by the impact of the old father, who is also a love of flowers. We only nod
excellent woman, great mother
- good mother ambitions apt talk of the 2 84-year-old mother
birthday, made a number of old photographs chose in mandate to miss the darling mother, br> This photo was taken in approximately 1973, when the father is still rustic, however the China and Algeria, according to the proposal, WIPO, held in 2000, thirty-fifth conference of the members of the General Assembly adopted a resolution from 2001 onwards, the annual April 26 as .4 26 is awareness, establish wisdom, to encourage innovation and defend intellectual property rights of the lawful environment.
order to promote the World Intellectual Property Day in China, since 2004, by the State Intellectual Property Office of the unified preparations of 9 ministries, the establishment of massive public participation in the activities of IPR conservation.
Since 2005, each Awareness Week,toronto escorts, the State Intellectual Property Office namely organizing the br> - a good an want to talk mom
today April 16 is the Lunar New Year on March 14, is a 84-year-old mother's birthday. Last year the mother birthday, we took her elderly people in the corner, > Gu Yu Gu Yu English name: Grain Rain, round solar terms of the Section VI gas, solar terms in spring last year April 19 to 21, as the sun approaches 30 ° longitude when Guyu, April 20 this year 18:17 across section.
Guyu that precipitation additional significantly, enabling grain growth. Guyu, by definition, is also announce Valley rainfall is sowing transplant seedlings, An melon points best bean season.
- truly want to talk with the mom, ; hometown touch,toronto escorts, suddenly left us, this trance for almost a year. 18 International Day of Monuments and Sites
1982 年 4 18, ICOMOS Scientific Symposium held in Tunis, Hammamet, held during the same phase the Executive Board appointment,emphatic achievements in education and research, it was first intended at one international heritage site and held each year on this day of global celebration. This suggestion adopted behind discussion by the Executive Committee and held the emulating annual in November the 22nd Conference of UNESCO ratified. the General Assembly in a resolution called on Member States to enhance and appliance SWF file into a movie file tools. tin be contained in the Flash file and movie clips, action scripts, and user interaction together with the converted AVI, MPEG, VCD, SVCD or DVD video files. you can catch in a Flash saved as bmp files. Flash files tin be converted into a series of jpg files. You can likewise extract the files from the Flash Mp3 and WAV audio.
Big Mountain blog to welcome you here a green cedar
bamboo, a rambling stream
a precarious rock mountains, there are gurgling water,
a green camphor, have attractive tea
bloggers would favor to encounter a colossal Mountain,
brighter, Bogut on this,
chat, tells Life!
want Bo to Bo, Bo, out of joy!
converge on Four full moon after the vernal equinox
first Sunday
5 2nd Sunday of the month
remember, Second Mengmu Health Mencius
5 月 3 Sunday
6 月份 2nd Sunday
known as Marco Polo Bridge Incident Marco Polo Bridge Incident
June 6 or, people known as Festival day
9 last Sunday the last Sunday of the month
international peace (and democratic freedoms) at
Chinese cherish the edible fight to retention the great edible Awareness Week
socialist revolution, the October Revolution Day
11 months of the first 4 Thursday night, the last day of the twelfth lunar month lunar
China's 1.2 billion population day
invite you to join Circle of Friends of Great Huashan Bo welcome you to connect your surround of Chinese Films Click to join blog rings Day vacation March April holidays holidays known as early as the commemoration of the anniversary of the International Civil Defence Day Fair (3.1) National Ear Care Day (March 3) Zhou Enlai's Birthday (3.5) China Youth Volunteer Service Day ( 3.5) World Glaucoma Day (March 6) Waking of Insects (March 5 or 6) anniversary of the necrosis of Marx's death date (3.14) by the International Police (3.14) White Day (3.14) Hand in Hand Heart, unity of movement aboard poverty in small partner St. Patrick's Day (3.17) China National Medical Section (3.17) National Science and Technology Talents Day (3.18 ) International Maritime Day / World Maritime Day (3.17) International Francophone Day (3.20) by the earth melodies (3.21) International Day as the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (3.21) World Sleep Day (3.21) World Water Day and the Day (3.23) World tuberculosis Day (3.24) World Forest Day (3.21) Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade International Day of Victims of (3.25) safety teaching by primary and secondary National World Theatre Day (March 27) Palestinian Land Day (3.30) Good Friday (Friday ahead Easter) International Children's Book Day (4.2) International Children's Book Day / Book Day Chinese babies (4.2) World Autism Day (April 2) Palestinian Children's Day (4.5) Cold Food Day (the day before Ching Ming Festival) March / Shangsi Festival, celebration kind Ching Ming Festival (April 4 or 5) World Health Day (4.7) IPR Protection Week (20-26) Earth Day (4.22) World Reading Day (4.23) Child Immunization Day (4.25) World Intellectual Property Day (4.26) World Press Freedom Day (5.3) World Red Cross Day was wrong foot (5.8) World Smile Day (5.8) International Day of Families (5.15) ) World Museum Day (5.18) China Student Nutrition Day (5.20) World Hepatitis Day (5.19) National Breastfeeding Awareness Day (5.20) of the World Cultural Development Day (5.21) International Day because Biological Diversity (5.22) black Liberation Day (5.25) World Challenge Day person condition (5.26) at the international peacekeepers (5.29) World No Tobacco Day (5.31) in June as ) National Sight Day (6.6) International Marine Day (6.8) China's Japan (6.20) China Children Charity Day (6.22) at the World Handball (6.23) the International Olympic Day (6.23) National Land Day (6.25) International Day Against Drug Abuse (6.26) International Epilepsy Care Day (6.28) International Charter Day (6.26) World Youth Festival (6.30) *** anniversary of the establishment of China Reunification Day (7.1) International Sports Press Day (7.2) allergic disease at the world (7.8) anniversary of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War of China Maritime Festival (7.11) successful bid at (7.13) Esperanto (made) the institution of festivals (7.26) black Women's Day (7.31) International Men's Day Chinese People's Liberation Army (8.3) Venice International Film Festival (8.6) China Daddy Day (8.8), the International Day of World's Indigenous People ( 8.9) International Youth Day (8.12) at the worldwide left-handed (8.13) the concession of Japan at (815) World Wedding Day (8.15) Limit of Heat (8.23 or 8.24) at the National Bar Advisory (8.26) July 15 ; IX. Third Sino-Japanese War Victory Day International Literacy Day (9.8) World Rabies Day (9.8) the death of Mao Memorial (9.9) Chinese Teacher's Day (9.10) World Suicide Prevention Day (9.10) World First Aid Day (second Saturday in September ) Clean Up the World Earth Day (9.14) China / World Ceasefire Day (9.21) 9.21 ; International Music Day (10.1) International Day for the aged (10.1) World Habitat Day / World Day of the skirmish for multinational peace day (10.2) World Animal Day (10.4) World Teacher Day (10.5) National Hypertension Day (10.8) circular solar terms of the ) World Day analgesic / anguish at the world (10.11) World Arthritis Day (10.12) at the world's 6.0 billion human (10.12) at the birth of the Chinese Young Pioneers (10.13) World Health Day (10.13) non-existent ; international criterion time at (10.13) World Standards Day (10.14) International Blind Festival / white cane Festival (10.15) World Food Day (10.16) World Eradication of Poverty (10.17) World Chefs Day / China Chef Festival (10.20) World of bone osteoporosis Day (10.20) World Traditional Medicine Day (10.22) United Nations Day (10.24) World Development Information Day (10.24) Korean Day (10.25) China Day (10.31) Halloween (10.31) October Revolution Day (11.7) Chinese reception partition (11.8) China Fire Festival (11.9) World Youth Day / daytime (11.10) Singles (11.11) World Diabetes Day (11.14) International Day for Tolerance (11.16 ) International Student Festival (11.17) World No Tobacco Day (11.17) World Children's Day (11.20) World Television Day (11.21) World Greetings at (11.21) International Elimination of Violence against Women, the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people's World AIDS Day (12.1) at rescinding International Day of Slavery (12.2) International Day of Disabled Persons (12.3) National Legal Publicity Day (12.4) World Immunization Day (12.5) World Disabled Day (12.5) International Volunteer Day (12.5) International Civil Aviation Day (December 7 Japan), ) Nanjing Massacre Memorial Day (12.13) International Migrants Day (12.18) United Nations Day for South-South cooperation (12.19) anniversary of the handover of Macao (12.20) International Human Solidarity Day (12.20) International Basketball Day (12.21) Christmas Day (12.25) Mao Zedong's birthday (12.26) of the aboriginal 110 Laba Festival and Buddhism into the Road Festival (eighth day of the twelfth lunar month) Big Chill (1.19-21) anniversary of the death of Lenin (1.21) International Customs Day (1.26) 27 January as International Leprosy Day above the peaceable liberation of Peking (1.31) the creation of ethnic festivals (1-5) and the Festival of Chinese Ethnic Minorities (1-5) Minority religious festivals (1-4) vacation customs of ethnic minorities in China (1-3) pond of Chinese Buddhist festival (lunar) World Wetlands Day (February 2) World Cancer Day (2.4) of always people celebrate the New Year (up, down) the starting of spring (February 4 or 5 days) the first month ; ) anti-colonial struggle at (2.21) World Survey on alive conditions (2 end) Sina BLOG response message embark About Sina SINA English

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