Friday, April 22, 2011

merely likewise out of a statute. ahead you punch in the industry

2010 年 4 months, an autistic rehabilitation Changchun a child is studying the basic heading. It is reported that this lack of autism aid agencies in the country 30. (CFP / Chart)
One Foundation's root is not deep enough
SW: One funds into China Three years later, you feel the whole community advocate for charitable status?
Jet Li: at least you can see in the medium in all segments, entertainment, mainstream, tourism, real possession, charity should be said from time to time. These medium public attitude of the entire large and the context are moving, to help enhance the community, whether it is criticism or praise.
I am very amused to see that Jet Li is not a charitable person to do, is the outcome of great age. is Ye Hao a show a show be good, a lot of people in the entertainment industry's move, many ordinary people are moving up, primarily Wenchuan, Yushu after the earthquake, pile up people join. China's public welfare just a full moon, is initial stage.
SW: One fund of funds structure, is more from the commerce community or an individual more?
Jet Li: Every year is different. We've done social inquiry, China and the United States the opposite is true 80% of American individuals, 20% from enterprises, 80% of Chinese enterprises, 20% from individuals.
the first two years is 60% personal, 40% of the enterprises. there is a misadventure when the individual (donor) will improve the ratio, usually more business.
we now have some structural problems, in fact, many people are compliant to donate a dollar a day to do charity, but the procedure is too much trouble, technology can not solve. Besides, you do not position neat, clear solution, the other big companies have no way to support your efforts to go full steam along, so there is no way to maintain my incipient dream, every person every day for a fast cash alms.
we immediately have nailed up 5 alternatively 6 hundred thousand people, and the total population of 1.3 billion, six hundred million mobile call users is a huge breach. those who have cell phones, and I believe ambition be capable to donate one dollar, how to attain this structural problem has by far justified Shun.
SW: One Foundation's operations in Hong Kong and Taiwan and the mainland What is the feud?
Jet Li: One Foundation in every country and each district is a separate valid, Hong Kong, One Foundation is an independent, Strictly speaking, in addition to its label, except, like Jet Li, the other is completely differ, not detached, in the United States and Singapore are like One Foundation.
I must be built in Taiwan, one funds, but I suddenly brakes the. including the beginning of this annual, the United Nations to and co-founder of One Foundation One United Nations Global Fund, have been kick the brakes I had.
SW: Why?
Jet Li: Because I'm circled by a lot of entrepreneurs, including some global The consulting enterprise gave me some advice, a young business, if they grow too fast, the emergency will be very massive, the mortality rate is very high. because you are also a mark, no matter which location is a problem, have implications for the all mark . If Bangladesh, the Middle East, One Foundation is corruption, and the One Foundation will be infected.
One Foundation's root is not deep enough, if I can as the 1.3 billion people to make a pattern, the hardship is very big. If you do then it so long, there will be problems, I want to premier do the mainland via this one so deep, so our speed to cut back on, so that it can go further.
SW: after three years of operation, One Foundation was established as a prototype, you put money in state-owned companies, the accounts full transparency, full disclosure of each quarter the price, which is unique in the country sample.
Jet Li: Fund two types, one called the public attempting, called personal nestle. In terms of world-wide, private equity is not published, because he took out money to personal to do, at the peak of the percentage of legitimate right, then. public attempting because money from the public, you're going to make it clear that the general public, or the shareholders to give you money, you have to clear through the common appointment of shareholders.
the transparency of China's public welfare unions have anyhow to boost transparency in the quondam 3 years the development of One Foundation is like the tree a specimen. I consider I did too perspicuous to hinder development. because too transparent, and are not transparent when transparency to inspire the thinking of many people, you do so well, going too quickly , the peek bring an end to ... too far, too fast in China who die who suffer. so I periodically have a little Le reins, treading above the accelerator a mini, the pace to meet the conditions.
mature inhabitant Social
SW: In these years of public welfare in the pursuit of what is your essence?
Jet Li: I am a very logical person, I like the structural changes: After three decades efforts to changing the Chinese mind, how to make this society into a mature civil society, every citizen can take liability for his time.
founding of New China's first few years, we are talking about is the spiritual world, ignoring the material, and later decades of talking about the matter, ignoring the morale. We can not drop a very basic moral stance is also physical but also the spirit to do something from nature. The really need a few years.
I began saying that this will take three years. With the rapid development of information communication may be 2 decades, may be fifteen years, the afterward hundred years, three hundred five hundred years can, at the peak of engage that the worth of human time, this Fund will operate.
universal funds, there are two, one is the American kind, donate a lot of money, for not moving, rolling afford of social return on investment amuse, which told not to kill chickens, hatching to the community. but the Chinese kept the law that you never just a big chicken to present-day society, not just the eggs to the contemporary society, China is not a chicken, 70% back to the community, has no chicken of the process, only the process of hatching.
every generation of Chinese to take the responsibility of each generation. So I'm going to think that such a situation, how can we take each generation of each generation the responsibility, from the ecology of change, from the faiths, values ​​change, human self-respect and ethics to be re-established.
One Foundation I started doing a couple of years, very hard, no one knows me thinking. circle of the elite know thatother people think and do is to donate money to build public schools, why do so many things you do, do not put up their own money on the finished thing.
SW: Your public welfare encountered in the country to enhance what the problem?
Jet Li: I never encountered the problem is too many problems, but also can not say that the future will be scale up questions, so do not complain. I can say the basic problem can be determined.
in the West, for public welfare has a comprehensive legal and regulatory, in that where you do anything, at all times the legal, basically no problem. is not illegal, the court will find you to be punished by law, very simple thing.
but in China it is not so simple, first, we at present have not charity law, can only be based on a foundation in 2004 the State Council promulgated regulations; second, the light within this Bill can not, China has a moral guidelines, standards are not the same, the learned one, business is one, is a white-collar workers and ordinary people, people of every society, our moral values, moral bottom line not the same, different starting line and off in different directions towards the same goal, it will create many problems and new sparks.
One Foundation to survive in these gaps is a tough entity quite tall, it needs to be accepted along the community, slowly accumulating experience. because the Chinese do not have a basis in the instruction of liberalness in China because there is no decree, nor is there illegally. A little morsel more than a step in the United States to was out. China's economic miracle, this is caused fully , and forward, out of a means, further forward setting, but also out of a statute. ahead you punch in the manufacture, the law all later you.
I gave my team set a standard, is the said long antecedent, certainly before the helicopter before they can atmosphere control; must first scamper around the traffic, and then will set up a traffic light. I made a rectitude to their bottom line, on that basis persist to exceed, to before hiking.
SW: we use legal sanctions law; before the law, the West is basically the use of religious, that man's moral values. in China's society you will find, Confucianism, Buddhist thought, Taoism, accompanied by three wagons moral base line, the establishment of our own lives and values. In recent years, we have fewer talk of values, or that there is no value in the root, drifting in the comparison of a movable position, not willingly, deeply rooted in the established .
you see a structure in the West, for example, Catholics are basically five to fifteen percentage of wages automatically give the cathedral, the mosque automatically to the community, is an auto mode. a civil society The establishment, everyone can afford their own self to a little something back to society, not you give the money all right, you have control, you must do someone. If it can be implemented, is our dream.
such as an Indian philosopher, told me that 6.7 billion people creatures, if one day you can look 10% of people trying to do for the globe a little bit of the family things, then to change the quite pattern of the entire human strong. I said, the Chinese have 1.3 billion, if one day China will have six hundred and seventy million people to shake, that is, we add a little bit of mobile phone users, the pattern will change humanity as a whole. It is a philosophy The learn, the percent of it is very, quite very difficult movement, but a little bit to.
SW: If there is a doctrine, then Jet Li, it summed up what?
Jet Li: It is not my life to this have belief that I built up a little bit. I just put out the essence of Buddha, in today's society, take your time doing, made it clear ideological ancestors, I just do a uncomplicated modern version of it, did not do anyone new work, I do not tenet.
escape the Marxist doctrine for thousands of forefathers, their text in front of us we can not read it, I simplify it so simple that we can read into may comprehend it, everyone insisted on reading.
I do not have anything new, new things that are technical, not Road. Road is one world one dream, which is road. I memorize that I told in the Connaught Nobel Peace Prize that the bishops about 40 minutes, on values, rather than surgery.
fair give a child a few two-year-old subject, they can alteration a lot to a lot of technique, than we are powerful, because the world is their hereafter, patients must have a lot of young people , but the road to diagram out, whether no aisle only operation into muddle. One Foundation, said the simplest path is to set up a aisle.
】 【Southern Weekend treatise at:

my problems is not also many problems, but too can not mention that the future will be speed up questions, so do no complain. I can basically mention that the problem can be solved .-- Jet Li
At that time lost 36 pounds, go to the hospital examination, the medic told me, do not rule out illness. Shen Hai ailment with his son. and his role in the film opposite fate, two days later doctors called to tell Jet Li, test results came out, not the tumor is hyperthyroidism. Jet Li successfully finished the film.
Jet Li's first pure txt of the melodrama, he put on his glasses, one for autistic son played all day cooking articles for cooking, sewing, sweeping father, hard working.
as the driving compel back the movie, the director of his emotions than ROCKETS Road even more. After perusing the seventh draft script ROCKETS Road, Jet Li then began to wail.
Jet Li called the Lok boss Bill Kong, . , Jet Li have no paycheck.
the dream. autism are our projects funded .2008 autism we aid agencies in Beijing funded Stars and Rain Education Institute, 2009, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, we have funded the two bodies of autism.
Early final year, Bill Kong took me a script that a writer ROCKETS way, the script was written by her, and she has not done adviser, the stars in the rain for 14 volunteers, I first made 14 years a volunteer similarities have great esteem for and after see by this script, the cover reads the seventh draft of the script I felt was real, not fabricated, and has a solid basis of life, and Tingyou honesty.
see the last I see crying, phone Bill Kong said that a agreeable script, I had said to him, the thing we must do me a like, be considered to be public.
SW: You do not make a film the way through the One Foundation of the stars rain achieve of such an tradition is not funded more direct?
Jet Li: not the same. I take success for this film all the building blocks, that is, hope to understand this thing. I always say this movie is not to say autism, because autistic children are not experts and the parents really do not kas long asthey live a cheerful life is not elated in their own world. I want the film to say is that the percentage of autism occurrence per thousand, the parents live very hard, hope to aid it. If more money creating a special educate, parents can mail their children to go to work on here, I learned that at least one parent does not work. If the community can take a little more on the training and attach to these children, two of them to work on the can.
of autism before the age of 16 national compulsory education after the age of 60 to attach to the national welfare, aged 16 to 60 years who did not attention, we are most concerned almost issues of social charity for children and the elderly, forget this portion of the medium, the middle is just a shuffle on their parents, personal and administration efforts need to fill this gap.
SW: One Foundation, one day you volunteer to Stars and Rain .
Jet Li: We have with China Merchants Bank honor card users to mobilize a team, let them experience the autism Stars and Rain, in the day, each one for a child, speak to communicate with him, how to catch on him, doing the day parents.
bank out of credit card, bank purchasers will be notified when the volunteer time anew, the weekend rain the stars who have to participate in the activities, it is so.
After such a trivial matter, we will have some changes . I read a lot of participants in the blog, they weep, still pathetic, I should try, it should be positive, because they do not give up those with autism. care to the way the film makes the group with autism.
Weekend: You repeatedly say that you played the father was an ordinary father.
Jet Li: I think I played a little bit of this father is not great, This is really hundreds of thousands of parents in China, he was very mediocre, but he deserves our respect.
Why? because to do public good, you'll see a lot of vulnerable groups, including the earthquake-stricken zones and a kind of elderly people with dementia children, they will kas long asyou contacted, the father accompanied the children are really far separately to find the right doctor, at the expense of many of their youth, just for the kids. they are very ordinary.
a pair of parents said to me, birth, Tan Zhao, and then I accompany to do psalming, Who I Tanzhao it? family.
Weekend: you normally in home life is variety of a dad?
Jet Li: Our family division of fatigue is very simple, with all the unusual, like the family, my wife is responsible for the education of children in a very rigorous program, learn a broad scope of perception every day. I make friends with the kids to play a role, I will not clarify a target, let the children go to it.
I think the difference in the community is two generations, parents constantly set a standard for them to fulfill, do not realize if the child is disobedient, there will be friction. I was a child, do not listen to my parents, so when I am a father, why ought my child listen to me of it?
my babies that absence to star, I told him what the advantages of a star, merely in the process you must pay everything, how can you be apt this situation. to the only person in this rank micrometer Second, the proportion of an of hundreds of human have this imagine, everyone going together, how do you do extra than that millions of human? you want to make a decision clear, once I decided to linger with you.
test several times, they are a pair of weeks back told me that, I give up.
majority of young people, most of the time one way of thinking, they want to convert prominent overnight, the glorious and brilliant, those All are buried in the leaves, but no one pay attention to their difficulties, so the young will have a comprehensive understanding of not.

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