Thursday, April 28, 2011

the Canadian dietitians Burwash

To know the meat poisoning
7 kid hope the New Year, I am no exception. A child, know thatonly the New Year, we can eat meat. Grow up, from books to know a lot of nutrition wisdom, know the meat of animals protein-rich, nutritious. parents, physicians and instructors what they say. I am afraid this is not my idea of ​​a person.
tall Westerners, have the strength, physically mighty, is many more meat, taken from an early age into a large number of animal protein, nutrient-rich; the Chinese people was small and little effort is because we eat the grass grew. Now eat a nice youth athletes into the citizen training team at the provincial level, delicious drink, meat continuity in the body may not have the strength, some people trust that their parents grew up in laborious times,beijing massage, not to the number of meat, and lack of births in mm This is the thinking of many Chinese people. In short, eating meat is a agreeable thing. amend the alive is meat.
hasty food ads continue to reinforce this point: the number of how many savory fun in MaiDangLao; the best beef,beijing escort, the smell of chicken waiting for you; taste tender and delicious, the entry of annoy, meat people aftertaste Infinite! and the like and so forth. However, nutrition experts from overseas and do not necessarily meditation so. For instance, the Canadian dietitians Burwash (Buwash), he believes that is the meat seven pills, eat less for the splendid, do not eat value saying. However, many people do not have this notion of proper nutrition. Indeed, while the era of progress, but many people did not emulate the concept of health and progress. Even more horrifying is that many people's life manner will send for their own disease.
in a learn of Japanese boys and girls in the scrutinize report, we found that: Japanese girls favor to eat the 2 foods are hamburgers and ice lotion, boys are meat chops and ice cream. Japanese girl by the Western diet,beijing massage, the more the impact of their menarche to come sooner, this location is the same girl the same age and the United States. Over the elapse 1 hundred years, American Girl's early menarche gradually from 17.5 years to 10.5 years. Asia and Africa girl's menarche, the maximum perfected in puberty. menarche come sooner alternatively after, the difference lies in their differ eating habits. meat contains a lot of fat and sex hormones, resulting in premature puberty girls. However, precocious puberty, the body a long duration of estrogen high level is an major cause because evoked bosom sarcoma. Thus, the U.S. breast sarcoma occurrence is a huge nation in the number of woman cancer patients and mortality in the altitude of the spear.
Japanese option of Western eating habits,guangzhou escort, their risk of heart disease nearly the same percent of Americans. portly, bald men had formerly been rare in Asia, merely since the post-westerly Learning, such folk are extra up, it is because American edible in the beef, there are a lot of portly and cholesterol These fat, cholesterol, meat-eater ambition continue to together to the container wall, annual later annual, inside the blood vessels chance more taper and likewise via fewer and less the value of blood, heart, vascular lesions occur. blood viscosity was large burden on the heart, forcing it very hard to be blocked when the constricting of blood to the blood stream. the outcome of hypertension, stroke and additional diseases have taken location.
appending, there are: cattle and killed chickens and other animals killed ahead the terror and ache, the body produces accent, which produces a toxin throughout the body.
cooked meat productions in the hair color surrogate nitrate nitrite and other preservatives will showing a shine ruddy meat and not bad, but these entities tin lead to abdomen cancer, colon cancer and other cancers. concentration of the chemical additives in meat, such as DDT and alike pesticides, they will remain in the fat of beasts. When When eating meat, put the accumulation of DDT and other chemicals in animals to eat into the body, as a food shackle namely people who necklace end concentration of chemical substances into the final absorber. DDT contained meat than vegetables and fruits , comprised in the grass, to 13 periods higher. DDT is a extremely toxic substance that tin occasion cancer, infertility and serious liver disease.
toxins in meat, but not end there. In array to subserve their growth, fat, improved the color of meat, animals tend to eat more chemicals. in order to get more meat in order to maximum profit, are coerced to eat animals, injection of hormones (hormone) to motivate growth, to them eat appetizers, antibiotics, sedatives and chemical mixing fared. These substances enter the body,342 cubic meters per capita, hazardous to our health. U.S. therapeutic career Did not anybody know? Of way not. food manufacture is the nation's largest affair, and fast food manufacture almost fills the needs of the whole food industry. But traders on the public health concern, distant less concerned about their sale strategy. That is, they merely concern about their profits.
This is why the meat is rich in nutrition medication and the mainstream media, do not eat meat or even disadvantageous to eat the feeble voice of reason: is the chief driver of interest. Burwash nutritionist who said such an example: John. Robbins (John Robbins) in the publication of the vegetarian like to jot a newspaper editorial almost the vegetarian thing, they intimidated to mow it into the newspaper ad.
American nutritionist at Cornell University Professor Campbell (T. Colin. Campbell), Professor, Also in retirement, until the publication , commonly approved things may have been erroneous. is the meat seven drugs, or eat it as wonderful. The outlooks of dietitians and other nutritionists truly different, he advocated a vegetarian diet, with meat and vegetables do not even speak the.
this, Burwash also issued a book, Health Advocacy Instructor, Canadian tennis star, Davis Cup tennis tournament, tennis coach, one of hundreds of vegetarian athletes.
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