Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the cardinal antenna is radio wag signal

Have you discerned the diameter of 500 meters, FAST large telescope.
not only influence the Chinese astronomer, astronomers nigh the globe are nailed on FAST - wish the biggest puzzle of the origin.
Yun Ma FAST project photos
FAST 12 meters panel reflects the design of integrated high-tech innovation in China, representing the advanced level in the field of astronomy, and in the next 20 to 30 years to retain the world's guiding status.
radio telescope quest for extraterrestrial giant
Reporter: We understand it is very important astronomical telescopes through which scientists can obtain a large digit of astronomical information, present, China is architecture the world's largest radio telescope, will South instructor, this radio telescope is accustom because what?
Nan East: Among the many uses, maybe more amused in the public domain is used to search for extraterrestrial civilizations. extraterrestrial whether the many stars There the existence of higher civilization, is everyone ambitions to know, is the rapid development of modern science and technology cases, scientists placed a major issue before.
then explore whether the presence of higher culture rely on? We know the distance among the bodies is very remote, Sagittarius Proxima Centauri is the closest to the world than the sun outdoor the star 427 light years from Earth, so that we can not launch a needle to explore instantly to them.
and modern electronic technology, wireless communication, microcomputer technology, rapid development of SETI astronomers provide a agreeable direction - using radio waves or radio waves to ascertain extraterrestrial civilization. Once in the distant stars on a logical and socialized society to exist, their activities produced by radio waves (a kind of electromagnetic waves) will send out consciously or unconsciously, and is likely to spread to Earth. If we establish on Earth The receiver of this wave,shanghai escort, you may receive an alien radio waves, to obtain information on the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.
Reporter: This is really exciting. So the appoint of FAST, the world's largest radio telescope SETI ambition melodrama one essential character?
Nan Tung: Yes, FAST is a spherical-shaped, 500-meter diameter radio telescope, the Five-hundred-meterAperture Spherical radioTelescope shortened prelude in English , once completed will become the world's largest radio telescope, SETI become the most effective tool. Since the distance between the planet also distant, electromagnetic wave information will be mingled in a kind of radiation in space, so that after approaching the Earth will be very languid (unless the signal is directed sent to us), the weak signal may be merged, as the cicadas in the thunder, if the receiving device is not so advanced, it is simple to miss or difficult to differentiate. So, astronomers need a huge ; ears Nan East: With radio telescopes, we can detect cosmic celestial objects to reveal the mysteries of electromagnetic radiation. the perennial development of radio astronomers using radio telescopes, have detected a number of galaxies in the structure and size, discovered quasars, pulsars interstellar particles and 3K microwave background radiation, confirmed the number foresaw by common relativity theory, such as gravitational radiation; revelation of gravitational lensing, and hundreds of category found in interstellar space, inorganic molecules and organic molecules, and those assembled into a group formed by giant molecular clouds and so on, probe the dense structure of active galactic nuclei and base the evident superluminal film in which to nail and detect a wide range of solar radio explosions and the Jupiter, Venus, the greenhouse effect and there is straight observational evidence for dark chasms. 40 years, won the Nobel Prize in Physics for the 10 projects related to astronomy, there are six directly or mainly achieved by means of radio astronomy. to mention that since the birth of radio astronomy in the 70 years, has become a major astronomical discovery birthplace and the cradle of astronomical Nobel Prize.
Reporter: radio telescope and additional telescopes than the, what namely so special?
Nan Tung: We may be a better understanding of satellite TV admission, the main antenna is radio wave signal, radio telescopes and satellite antenna similar to the principle that it receives from the distant objects by electromagnetic radiation signal, its intensity, spectrum and magnetic polarization inquiry and research. Simply put, it mainly consists of these components: collection radio waves of the arrow antenna, extremely acute amplified radio signal receiver, and eventually the terminus equipment to the signal logged in agreement with the requirements of a particular displayed some management, through further analysis to learn about the physical properties of celestial bodies, environment, development, and even chemical composition.
Reporter: Can be understood namely other telescopes are effectively used to Ren-Dong: Actually, can be understood as is used to The issue of the apparent light, visible light merely also with a characteristic wavelength of electromagnetic waves, objects covering the whole electromagnetic spectrum of radiation. Therefore, the receiver is visible in different orthodox optical telescopes, radio telescopes to receive the injection of about all celestial radio waves. It is no tube, no lens, eyepiece, merely by the antenna and receiving system components.
radio telescope for of its tall penetrating, observing a wide range of specifics inspected distance, and become an important astronomical research, detection equipment, increasing consideration by international scientists, a team of higher sensitivity, higher resolution and more complete orchestra radio telescope is the large countries have implemented alternatively will be put into construction.
FAST why the will be the world's largest radio telescope, is too an international project, then why is it the construction of a giant telescope projects. Since 1994, astronomers in China in the construction of a large karst depression hole spherical radio telescope of the recommendations and engineering agenda, which is based on our radio astronomer international environment, our matchless geographical conditions, domestic and international cooperation , and engineering crews persist to browse, study and put ahead step along tread. This work was supported at the wide support of the international astronomical community, the current strength of our economic, fabrication capacity, astronomy evolution, procedure design, geological conditions can be effected in many ways the construction of such a large radio telescope of the conditions and capabilities.
Reporter: FAST 1994, intended the construction of the intend, why the end of 2008 began to build?
Nan East: the construction of such a colossal radio telescope is not international precedent, numerous technology is apt depend ashore our own study and solve, principally in site culling, active reflector design, feed (Note: The feed may be understood as a parabolic antenna at the focus of a accumulation of satellite signals to set the speaker type device) advocate system optimization, feed and recipient and aboard the dimension and control technology, etc., face enormous problems and challenges, solved these problems only to hands-on construction.
Since 1994, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of more than 20 research hearts The renowned universities and carried out long-term collaborative research on FAST, FAST also be comprised in the first important projects of national knowledge innovation project. Through 10 years of exploration, achievement of the pre-research and optimization of two areas, with the construction of the world largest radio telescope in the scientific and technological strength, in July 2006, the State Development and Reform Commission officially agreed.
correspondents forward of a unique sensitivity: FAST 500 meters in diameter, and the world's largest radio telescope in the United States sensitivity and resolution. To improve the sensitivity, the usually used approach has reduced the rumpus inherent in the receiver itself, increasing the antenna area, the extension of observatiin due time points. The resolution refers to different wavelengths of the contiguous radio difference competence. How to improve the resolution of radio telescopes it? single antenna radio telescope, the larger the diameter of the antenna, the higher the resolution. Therefore, radio astronomers have refined the pursuit of large reflective surface, as low-noise receiver, and configured to adapt to different observations the more complete back-end issues to meet the needs of the development of radio astronomy.
FAST, the main reflector by the 4600 triangular ingredients convened into spherical, diameter of 500 meters, the receiving zone equivalent to 30 football, than the current largest radio telescope Arecibo effective collecting area distended 2.3 times, respectively, manner that the sensitivity is the world's largest radio telescope a few - VLA (U.S. large antenna order), Alesi Bo and India GMRT (Giant Meter Wave Radio Telescope) of 5.4 times, 2.3 times and 1.5 times, which can discover the number of radio sources below the same sky scope of approximately 10-fold boost.
Reporter: FAST is located in karst terrain the depression, so What are the advantages and the location of the special role it?
Nan East: Taiwan is the key to the selected sites, to examine many elements, such as weather, climate, land use, the radio environment, geology , population, economy, fatigue, electricity, transport, communications, networking, and land, because the action of anybody of the hereafter will have an shock. Therefore, the site selection discipline was carried out very carefully and entirely, in the Guizhou provincial government and all walks of life strong support, behind 15 years of hard to find, located in Guizhou large radio telescope is completed, site g make sure the degree of Pingtang County in Guizhou Town, Tai Wo and Six Rivers Taipa Village depression. The development of karst district pits to like a giant natural bowl, equitable tray telescope of about 20 million square meters of a giant reflector. completed telescope will fill the entire valley.
Tai Wo Taipa no only a natural depression tin set up the telescope, and the karst geological conditions can defend the underground water infiltration, rather than in the surface sediment, corrosion and abuse to the telescope. In adding, there are highly quiet, natural context, the radio telescopes of environment is exceedingly important, the project addresses within a 5 km radius must be kept quiet and electromagnetic environment without interference. Taipa not near Tai Wo towns and factories, in the 5 km radius is no a town, among a 25 km radius of only an county, is the maximum ideal alternative.
Reporter: FAST embodiment of researchers long, arduous work of research and readiness, there must be many of the results of independent innovation, right?
Nan Tung: Yes, FAST is the science of astronomy's most advanced project, the huge side that it The precision positioning receiver telescope. in engineering technology, not only inherits the advanced technology of the current thinking of all the possible and proposed an innovative integration of active optical reflector and feed support program, which greatly cultivated reception area, there are such as feed and its supporting system of its simplified, so that FAST on celestial bodies and spacecraft tracking range have expanded so greatly.
In addition,alternatively entire have and the pursuance of tall ideals, as the basis of a multidisciplinary research platform, FAST will be many areas of basic research , case in point, large-scale macrocosm, physics, material and other deep buildings and patterns of breakthrough and discovery in the instruction of the opportunities available.
in the history of the famous Century 60's, people began to try to receive extraterrestrial radio signals from the civilized world. National Radio Astronomy Observatory astronomer Drake used a 26-meter diameter radio telescope, 21 cm wavelength selected to start the interstellar communication experiment, and was named In addition, did not find evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, but he made a lot of follow-up of new thinking, for example, the famous Drake Equation is Ozma conceived the plan period.
Reporter: FAST site depressions in the karst terrain, such a site What are the conveniences and unique role it?
Nan East: Taiwan is the key to the selected sites, to examine many factors, such as climate, weather, land use, radio environment, geology, population, economy, labor, electricity, transmission, telecommunications, network, and land, because the operation of any of the future will have an impact. Therefore, the site selection exercise was carried out very carefully and fully,beijing massage, in Guizhou Province Government and strong support from all sectors, after 15 years of hard to find, large radio telescope site selection work is completed in Guizhou, site g determine the degree of Pingtang County in Guizhou Town, Tai Wo and Six Rivers Taipa Village depression. The development of karst areas pits, like a giant natural bowl, just dish telescope of about 20 million square meters of a giant reflector. completed telescope will fill the entire valley.
Tai Wo Taipa not only to set up a natural depression telescope, and the protection of karst geological conditions, water can perceive to the ground, not in the surface sediment, corrosion and damage to the telescope. In addition, there are extremely quiet, natural environment, the radio telescopes of environment is extremely important, the project addresses within a 5 km radius electromagnetic environment must be kept quiet and undisturbed. Taipa not near Tai Wo towns and factories, in the 5 km radius is not a town, within a 25 km radius of only one county, is the most ideal choice.
Reporter: FAST the fusion of researchers long, laborious research and preparatory go, there must be many of the results of independent innovation in China, right?
Nan Tung: Yes, FAST is the science of astronomy's most advanced projects, from large esteem that it's automaton to achieve precision positioning receiver telescope. in engineering technology, not only inherited the current considering of all likely advanced technology, and proposed an innovative integration of active optical reflector and feed support program, the receiving area greatly increase, and, as it simplifies the feed and its supporting systems, so FAST on celestial bodies and spaceship trailing range have expanded so greatly.
In addition, as the basis of a multidisciplinary research platform, FAST will basic research in many areas, such as cosmic large-scale physics, material and other deep structures and patterns of discovery and breakthrough in the direction of the opportunities available.
in the history of the noted ; plan: 60 years of the 20th centenary, human began to attempt to receive extraterrestrial radio signals from the civilized world. National Radio Astronomy Observatory astronomer Drake used a 26-meter diameter radio telescope, 21 cm wavelength elected to start the interstellar communication experiment, and was named caused by artificial fears, but did not find testify of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, but he made a lot of follow-up of new analytic, for instance, the famous Drake Equation is Ozma conceived the plan period.
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