Wednesday, April 27, 2011

spit test and enhancement of the host communication lines are customary connections.

Following is a prevalent game shark action and manual correction of the backdrop music volume
(0-16 grade), 0 is off, the default is 10.
Connection uses a code Description of
II decoding adjustment
1, a code, choose the articulation appliance into the
key note:
options: computing -> Decode
input from the machine to adjust for the 2 data decoding signature coding system time
coding success message to modify the system time

set number of points for each currency, the default is 1 coin 10
venue type setting, the default venue for colossal special procedure.
set a code cycle, the default is 5 days

is divided on the sub-total playing into

total playing out of this total namely divided

this Total points
ashore the total before the last dozen yards of total profit = profit last
+ The tangible gross profit margins to currency for a element, the same
this play into the winning points = total + village, and The total free play into - Total play out - play the village and leisure
total gross profit last
The difficulty of the actual profit

adjust the game difficulty settings, the maximum easy, easy, laborious, difficult ,photochemical fog and mordant rain and additional climate phenomena,
killed five difficulty, the default is easy.
Chuang Chuang and leisure, and leisure apt adjust the trouble of
difficult, the most easy, easy, difficult, difficult,
killed 5 difficulty,toronto escorts, the default is effortless.
adjust the bet time (10-99 seconds), default is 30 seconds, the maximum charge points
village leisure default is 5000 points.
and the most charge points
1000 points along default.
other In addition to the maximum charge points
village outdoor the other door, and the largest free charge points, the default is 1000 points.
minimum charge for every sub-switch
Minimum gate dictate fraction, the default is 10.
times Select
low multiples / High Expansion optional,toronto escorts, default extension for low multiples
music music
extension alternate, the default is open.
screen select
game screen alternatives, car / animal 1 / animals 2 optional, defaults to the car.

The total coin coin coin

The total coin
The village leisure and outside addition to the total food points
The leisure and outside addition to the total village spit Total points
play into the village and leisure village leisure and
The total food points
another game, inspect of the project ambition be another, please manipulate according to the actual shade. < br> Line No.

remaining run time the number of reported
machine code number
the local machine tin too flee the time machine, the remaining absence as a code of 0 lag < br> This machine has a code line number

village and the digit of total activity out
leisure village leisure and total in this sub-
spit test and extension of the host communication lines are normal connections.

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